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We operate one of the widest range of centrifuges of any rental company in the world.  Many of our centrifuges are specially configured to our own specification for heavy duty civil engineering applications.  
These centrifuges are available worldwide and can remove particles as small as 5µm without chemical treatment, at flowrates of anything up to 120m3/hr per machine. The use of multiple units in parallel can allow even higher flowrates to be processed. Our range includes small capacity HS3000DP and HS3400DP units, medium capacity S3-01-G units, high capacity S4-1-G and S5-1-G machines and our S6-1-G centrifuges are thought to be the largest capacity, easily portable rental centrifuges in the world.
To download technical data sheets in pdf format on our Centrifuges, click on the links below:




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