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Mud Cleaners

SUPERCLEAN350DPMud Cleaners can be used as economical and efficient single units on their own or alternatively used with desilters placed downstream for further fine cleaning of the mud. PSD’s range of SUPERCLEAN®  mud cleaners provide compact, energy efficient cleaning for flows of between 60 and 300m3/hr include primary screening, hydrocyclone feed pump, hydrocyclones and dewatering screen. The SUPERCLEAN® 300DP handles flows of up to 300m3/hr and incorporates primary screening, desanding hydrocyclones mounted over a dewatering screen, desilting hydrocyclones over fine mesh dewatering screen, hydrocyclone feed pumps and discharge pump. The smaller MC range provides even more compact and energy efficient cleaning for flowrates up to 80m3/hr.
To download technical data sheets on our Mud Cleaners in pdf format , click on the links below:
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