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Waste Fluid Treatment & Waste Bentonite Clean Up

The disposal of waste drilling fluids & muds has traditionally been by tanker to landfill sites but there are now few locations with the equipment to process waste fluids and as fluids are no longer permitted to be disposed of to landfill, the cost of transport to suitable processing sites is very high. This situation means that it is now often more economical, and nearly always more environmentally acceptable, to treat the waste mud on site so as to reduce the volume of liquid waste being sent off the site by tanker.
Flocculated solids discharge from centrifugeLegislation was introduced in 2001 to implement the European Landfill Directive, which restricts the disposal of fluids to only a few licensed landfill sites in the UK and elsewhere through Europe.
PSD are specialists in the cleaning of waste mud and we are often able to turn waste mud or slurry into a considerably reduced volume of solids that can be disposed of at landfill and practically clear water that is able to be discharged to the sewer system.
One method of treatment for waste fluids is to flocculate and dewater so as to produce a semi-solid sludge for off-site disposal by tipper truck and a near clear centrate which can usually be safely disposed of to the public sewer system or to streams, rivers, canals, lakes or to the sea with the appropriate consents. Flocculation and centrifuging is most economical when there is a continuing requirement for waste mud disposal during the progress of the job or where there is a large volume of surplus mud, such as at the end of the work. Small or medium sized centrifuges can typically process 8 to 10m3/hr of flocculated waste mud, our large S4-1-G centrifuges can handle up to 40m3/hr of these materials and the S5-1-G centrifuges have almost double that capacity.
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